Buch Details
When the Guardians' spaceship is attacked, a mysterious helper destroys their attackers. Who is Ego? What does he know about Peter Quill? And what are his terrible plans? Peter, Gamora, Drax, Rocket, and Groot-the Guardians of the Galaxy-have saved the galaxy once, but can they do it again?
- Schriftsteller Edwards, Lynda
- ISBN13 9781292240756
- ISBN10 129224075X
- Buchseiten 96
- Sammlung PENGUIN KIDS #
- Jahr der Ausgabe 2018
- Sprache Englisch
- Reichweite Schulniveau und autonome Gemeinschaft in Spanien Exakt 20000000099
Guardians of the Galaxy Vol.2 Book & MP3 Pack (Level 4)
- Autor/in Lynda Edwards
- Verlag LONGMAN
- ISBN 9781292240756
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